Sunday, August 1, 2010

The start of something new... but old

I've decided to officially start blogging. Sort of. This is the journey of me writing letters to people. Anyone, everyone. But not emails or even filtered blogging. Actual letters. I'm about to get real friendly with the postal clerk who sells stamps. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked.

The Idea.
The idea came into my head about a week ago and has been festering ever since. I was driving to work and listening to the local Christian radio station. They do these news breaks and in this particular one, they mentioned how there's a Summer camp for kids... where the counselors literally PROHIBIT any internet useage or cell phone texting. Instead, they encourge their campers to write home about once a day. Or just write in general. Some kids didn't even know how to address an envelope. Seriously? Have we really come to that?

It got me thinking about my own letter writing. I used to be Queen of the Stationary. Had specific ones for specific people and then I had this whole lineup of stamps. Roses, hearts, Christmas trees, Frank Sinatra's face.... well, those I could never part with and still have a sheet to this day. Point is, I can't remember the last time I addressed a letter and sent it off. Not a card, a letter. That's just ridiculous. I love the internet, think it's a great tool for that instant kind of keeping in touch. But nothing will ever replace getting a letter in the mail. You get home, perhaps after a hard day, filter through the mail in your box and pretty much think it's all bills or the local community newsletter.... and surprise! There's a letter! You discard absolutely everything else and pry open the envelope wondering what Writer Girl in Anywhere, USA has to say. It makes you feel a little more loved that someone took the time to write to you. To sit down, pull out  paper and direct something to you and you only. Not some public announcement, not a random text of 140 characters or less. But a letter with no boundaries of how long it could get. Don't worry, this won't be 12 pages front AND back. But you know that you'll smile a bit more as you carry on your evening.

The Letters.
So, I've decided to write. To anyone and everyone who wants a letter. One letter a day, one person a day. I'll reach out and talk to them and maybe even with some luck I'll get letters back but it's not required. If you want a letter.... email me your address and it will be done!

So.... why the blog then?
This blog is going to be my reflections of writing. I know that sounds a  little nutty and well, excessive. Rather than talk about what I've talked about in the letter, it will be more like here's who my letter was for (not named but rather... hinted at) and then about when the last time I spoke with that person was, and just general TK ramblings about having now written to them. Also, it will be my sanity in case I literally run out of ideas. Who knows, maybe you'll be the lucky recipient of letter #248 where all I can talk about is my favorite flavors and combination of frozen yogurt. Let's just pray that it won't scare you all into wondering why you dove into the inner workings of myself to begin with.

Ready, Set.... Write!
There it is. My ridiculous idea. If you want a letter... email me at Hopefully this works!   

1 comment:

  1. This post is really nice, I enjoied it so much! Wonderful beginning!

    Take a look and maybe follow?: Cosa mi metto???
